Replacement Policy


Our products are carefully inspected for quality in workmanship and materials before delivery. Most of our products are made to order, and there is NO RETURN OR EXCHANGE due to hygiene reasons. Customers are responsible for proper use and maintenance of their jewelry purchase. Charisse Jewelry is not responsible for repairing any item that is broken after purchase as we inspect every piece before delivering the final product to our customer. Please be careful while handling, wearing and removing all jewelry items after purchase. Refer to our Jewelry Care Guide for storage recommendations.


What if my order is damaged during transit?

Charisse Jewelry will provide repair or replacement if a breakage occurs during transit. We must be notified through of damaged product within 3 days of receipt. In order to process a repair or replacement due to damage or breakage, a photograph of the defected product must be provided. Customer is responsible for the cost of return shipping, and whether a repair or replacement is required will ultimately be determined by our Designer. Any product being shipped back to us must be in unworn condition and original packaging, or the repair or replacement will not be processed.


What if allergy is of high concern?

Charisse Jewelry thrives to work with quality jewelry components. All our materials are hypoallergenic. Charisse Jewelry is not responsible for any allergic reactions, and it is up to the customer with extreme sensitivity to exercise caution. Select styles can be ordered in clip-on for a fee of $5. We cannot replace or refund your item, and are released from any legal obligation to cover any medical costs of any kind.


[ 退換貨政策 ]

Charisse Jewelry 大部份款式為接單製作, 所有商品出貨前做工與材料皆接受嚴格檢視。飾品的配戴、取下、保存方式為顧客的責任,請詳閱網站上的保養需知。飾品屬個人衛生用品,基於保護顧客原則,所有商品出貨後皆不受理退換貨。


[ 寄送瑕疵 ]

所有郵寄包裹我們皆使用保護包裝,力求產品完美無缺地送達顧客手上。若是寄送過程不幸毀損,請於收到商品三日內拍照傳送到 通知我們,設計師會盡快與您聯繫溝通維修事宜。退還商品由顧客自行負擔運費,商品需為收到貨時的完整包裝並且無配戴痕跡,否則無法受理。


[ 飾品過敏 ]

Charisse Jewelry所有產品皆選用抗敏材質,惟過敏問題取決於個人體質,具金屬過敏史者請自行衡量後再購買商品。如因配戴不合適材質飾品造成過敏者, 我們不提供退換貨服務並且不負擔任何醫療費用,請顧客自行斟酌。部份耳針款式可加價 ($5) 更改為夾式配戴,詳情請洽詢設計師。